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- Job Kihima

2024 Summer School on Tax Justice

2024 Summer School on Tax Justice

TJNA, joining WU Global Tax Policy Centre (WU GTPC) and the African Tax Institute (ATI), will participate in the 2024 Summer School at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Themed 'Emerging Issues on the International Tax Agenda: The Changing Environment within which Tax Justice is Operating,' it focuses on analyzing the impact of international tax reforms on advocacy for tax justice. Scheduled from 2-3 May 2024, the event aims to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations engaged in tax policy reform.

Following the 2023 Summer School's emphasis on curbing illicit financial flows, this year's session will delve into the evolving international tax landscape and the role of civil society.

Topics include:

  • G20/OECD tax proposals' impact on Africa
  • Tax implications of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement
  • Responding to the growth of high-net-worth individuals
  • Leveraging technology in tax systems.

The gathering underscores the crucial role of civil society in shaping equitable tax policies and promoting domestic resource mobilization for development.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Event DetailsDate and Time:
Type of Event:
Tax and the International Financial ArchitectureTax and Natural Resource GovernanceTax and EquityTax and Investments
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