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- Job Kihima

TJNA at AU-ECOSOCC ’s 20th Anniversary

TJNA at AU-ECOSOCC ’s  20th Anniversary

Tax Justice Network Africa and the Stop the Bleeding Campaign (STB) will join the 20th anniversary of the African Union Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) in Accra, Ghana, from 16-20 July 2024. This event, celebrating citizen engagement and African solidarity, aims to re-center African citizens in the continental development agenda, aligning with the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063. ECOSOCC, an advisory body of the African Union, bridges AU Member States and African citizens, leveraging civil society expertise. The event will gather CSOs, AU Member States, RECs, international organizations, development partners, and the African Diaspor

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Event DetailsDate and Time:
Type of Event:
In person
Accra, Ghana.
Online Link: