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The 2024 Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI2024)

The 2024 Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI2024) is a pivotal gathering where industry leaders, policymakers, and advocates converge to explore sustainable and equitable solutions in the mining sector. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of resource extraction, AMI2024 serves as a platform for dialogue, innovation, and collaboration. The convening strives to redefine the future of mining, promoting responsible practices that prioritize environmental stewardship, community well-being, and economic inclusivity. Join the transformative journey as we chart a course towards a more ethical and resilient mining industry

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Event DetailsDate and Time:
Type of Event:
In person
Tax and Natural Resource GovernanceExtractives industriesNatural resource conflict managementAfrica Mining VisionContract TransparencyClimate ChangeEnergy Transition
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