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- Job Kihima

11th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation, convened in Accra, Ghana, from November 22 to November 24, 2023.

11th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation, convened in Accra, Ghana, from November 22 to November 24, 2023.

The 11th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation, convened in Accra, Ghana, from November 22 to November 24, 2023, emerged as a historic turning point in the collective effort against the challenges posed by illicit financial flows (IFFs) in Africa. Under the theme "Making Global Tax Governance Work for Africa," participants from diverse sectors gathered to confront the pressing issue threatening the continent's economic growth.

Delegates engaged in comprehensive discussions on strategies to surmount structural challenges inhibiting Africa's ability to curb IFFs, acknowledging the intricate connections between global issues such as debt, pandemics, climate change, conflicts, and development. The conference endorsed the Africa Group's landmark resolution at the UN, signalling a unified front against IFFs.

The conference yielded crucial outcomes and commitments, solidifying its status as a premier platform for collective discourse on taxation matters. Participants stressed the imperative for urgent and holistic reforms in global financial, tax, trade, and debt architectures, advocating for a more participatory and equitable global tax system. A significant highlight of the event was the commitment to the continuation of the Pan-African Conference as a pivotal platform for addressing taxation challenges. Beyond rhetoric, participants emphasized the need for practical implementation of measures to effectively combat IFFs, showcasing the conference's commitment to catalyzing tangible change and reshaping the global landscape.

The conference underscored the importance of regional and international collaboration, solidarity, and civic participation expressing support for the UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation. Tackling IFFs was affirmed as a paramount development priority and a sovereign imperative, promoting economic independence and sovereignty over African economic destinies.

In a groundbreaking development, the conference showcased the launch of the Tax and IFF Knowledge Hub (TIFF Hub). This initiative adds a new dimension to the collaborative efforts, serving as a repository of knowledge and expertise. The TIFF Hub is poised to become an invaluable resource, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering a greater understanding of the complexities surrounding IFFs.

The collaborative commitment of key organizations, including the Africa Union Commission, the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF), and the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), was a testament to a shared dedication to success. These organizations pledged unwavering support to African countries in global tax debates and in implementing initiatives, revealing a united front in the pursuit of success.

The conference marked a significant stride forward in reshaping the global tax governance landscape, fostering equity, and empowering African nations. The collaborative efforts, coupled with the launch of the TIFF Hub, exemplify a paradigm shift in how African nations engage with international tax governance. The conference's outcomes set the stage for a renewed focus on implementing tangible reforms, ensuring that the fight against IFFs is not just rhetoric but a sustained, practical effort toward a more prosperous economic future for the continent.

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