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- Job Kihima

International Tax Justice Academy (ITJA) 2023: A Resounding Success

International Tax Justice Academy (ITJA) 2023: A Resounding Success

The curtains have come down on the International Tax Justice Academy (ITJA) 2023, and what a resounding success it has been! This year's ITJA event, held in Nairobi, Kenya, from August 21 to 25, marked a significant milestone in the journey to build the next generation of tax justice champions in Africa.

Empowering Tax Justice Champions

ITJA 2023 lived up to its promise of equipping participants with the essential knowledge and skills required to champion tax justice effectively. With a focus on basic foundational modules, this year's academy welcomed over 30 eager participants who aspired to make a difference in the realm of tax justice. As the days unfolded, they engaged in a wide array of activities, from in-depth discussions on taxation principles to exploring the critical role of tax in addressing poverty, inequality, and gender disparities.

A Hybrid Learning Experience

The ITJA 2023 event featured a hybrid learning approach, with both virtual and in-person components. The event commenced with a series of online sessions in the lead-up to the physical forum, providing a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of taxation. This setup allowed participants to engage remotely, which was especially valuable given the diverse locations and language backgrounds of the attendees.

Building a Network of Champions

The event achieved its aim of broadening the tax justice discourse and action, creating a network of empowered tax justice champions ready to advocate for change in their respective spheres. Participants declared their commitment to driving the tax justice agenda individually and collectively, setting the stage for ongoing collaboration and advocacy efforts.

A Bright Future for Tax Justice in Africa

As ITJA 2023 ended, it left a lasting impression on all those who attended. The event not only equipped participants with the foundational knowledge needed for effective tax justice advocacy but also fostered a strong sense of community and collaboration among emerging champions. It's clear that the future of tax justice in Africa is bright, with a new generation of advocates ready to push for greater transparency, fairness, and accountability in taxation.

The success of ITJA 2023 serves as a testament to the Tax Justice Network Africa's commitment to building a more just and equitable future for the continent. As participants return to their respective roles, armed with newfound knowledge and passion, they will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in the ongoing fight for tax justice in Africa.

Uploaded by Job Kihima