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Integrity Watch Liberia

Integrity Watch Liberia is a national civil society organization founded in 2017 and operational since February 2021, dedicated to advancing transparent, accountable, and inclusive governance and democracy through advocacy and research for public policy reforms. Our programs focus on four inter-connected areas:
1. Fiscal Transparency and Budget – with a key focus on gender-responsive budgeting, expenditure tracking, and public participation in the budget process;
2. Natural Resource Governance - with a focus on taxation, contract transparency, domestic resource mobilization, and safeguarding community rights;
3. Democratic Governance and Electoral Integrity–focusing on decentralization, local governance, public service delivery, anti-corruption efforts, campaign financing reforms, and electoral integrity.
4. Climate change, Rights and Social Protection - addressing global challenges such as Climate Change, rights advocacy, and social protection, recognizing the nexus between environmental sustainability, human rights, and social justice, in our pursuit of a more just, accountable, and resilient society. 

Our Vision
A corruption free society where everyone enjoys equal justice, equitable and inclusive development.

Our Mission 

We combat corruption through tech-innovation, promote public involvement in budgeting, and advocate for transparent decentralized governance while opposing illicit financial flows.  

Our Core Values:  

 Integrity  

 Diversity  

 Innovation  

 Responsiveness  

Our Flagship programs  

 Talkay (corruption reporting platform) 

 Budget performance scorecard  

 Integrity boot camp  

 Internship Program