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- National Taxpayers Association

9th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation: Kenyan Conference on Fiscal Management and Revenue Collection 2021, themed "Combating IFFs to Bridge Africa's Widening Inequality Gap."

9th Pan-African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation: Kenyan Conference on Fiscal Management and Revenue Collection 2021, themed "Combating IFFs to Bridge Africa's Widening Inequality Gap."

The 9th Pan Africa conference on illicit financial flows and taxation convened in Nairobi on October 25th and 26th, 2021. Representatives from various sectors discussed the prevalence of illicit financial flows (IFFs) in Kenya and Africa, emphasizing the need for African countries to curb IFFs to tap into potential revenue streams. In Kenya, IFFs amount to KES 270 billion annually, severely impacting public services due to reduced government spending. The conference facilitated dialogue on taxation, debt, and economic challenges, proposing collaborative solutions. Sessions included panel discussions, presentations on tax policies' impact, and debates on debt sustainability and economic development. Co-conveners committed to an action plan against IFFs, emphasizing the importance of research for economic justice.

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Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
National Taxpayers Association (Kenya) - NTA
Languages: English
Tax and the International Financial ArchitectureTax and Natural Resource GovernanceTax and EquityTax and Investments
Resource Type: