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AMI 2024 Communiqué

The 15th Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI) emphasizes an inclusive and feminist-driven energy transition, focusing on transition minerals. Delegates advocate for a mining sector prioritizing community needs, gender equity, and justice. Addressing intersecting poly-crises, the AMI underscores the disproportionate impact on women and youth in the green energy era. Concerns include environmental degradation, child labour, and insufficient benefits for mining communities. The AMI calls for African governments to safeguard rights, ensure fair negotiations, and prioritize health impact assessments. The declaration urges businesses to adopt ethical governance and civil society to advocate for transparency, community involvement, and reparations. The AMI envisions a decolonized, just, and feminist extractive industry for a sustainable future.

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Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI)
Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI)
Languages: English
Tax and Natural Resource GovernanceExtractives industriesNatural resource conflict managementAfrica Mining VisionContract TransparencyClimate ChangeEnergy Transition
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