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- Allan Monyoncho

Child Rights Governance: Missed Taxation Opportunities to Improve Investment in Children in Africa (Case analysis of Kenya, Sierra Leone and Zambia)

Child Rights Governance: Missed Taxation Opportunities to Improve Investment in Children in Africa (Case analysis of Kenya, Sierra Leone and Zambia)

This publication titled "Child Rights Governance: Missed Taxation Opportunities to Improve Investment in Children in Africa" explores the underutilization of taxation as a potential resource for investing in children's rights in Africa, focusing on the case studies of Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Zambia. The study reveals that despite the importance of tax revenue for sustainable development, these countries have lost significant potential tax revenue due to factors such as inefficient tax collection systems, tax incentives, corruption, and informality of economies. The report emphasizes the need for transparent and equitable tax collection systems and highlights the missed opportunities to improve public spending on children. Recommendations are provided to enhance tax collection and prioritize children's rights in government budgets.

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Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Social ServicesHuman RightsSocial contract
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