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- National Taxpayers Association

CITIZEN PERCEPTION on Nairobi City County Finance Act, 2023

CITIZEN PERCEPTION on Nairobi City County Finance Act, 2023

This brief examines Nairobi City County residents' opinions on the Finance Act 2023. Initiated by the Finance Bill 2023 on September 12, the survey aimed to understand attitudes, knowledge, and opinions on the legislation, with a focus on gender-sensitive revenue measures. The survey targeted all Nairobi residents, especially those in informal settlements, ensuring a representative demographic sample. Most respondents strongly disagreed with several proposals, citing concerns over increased costs of living and limited public participation. They felt their input was inadequately considered in the legislative process. Confidence in the County government’s ability to "Make Nairobi Great Again" was low, with 41.2% distrusting and only 8.6% trusting its commitment.

Uploaded by National Taxpayers Association
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
National Taxpayers Association (Kenya) - NTA
Languages: English
Tax and Equity
Resource Type: