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- Job Kihima

Fiscal Policy Notes on Mining in Mozambique 2023

Fiscal Policy Notes on Mining in Mozambique 2023

Employing a traffic light evaluation system, the study analyzes various aspects, including fiscal regimes, revenue maximization, corruption, tax harmonization, investment impact, customs, duties, tariffs, fiscal administration, and illicit financial flows. The data, sourced until August 2022, reveals challenges in translating abundant mineral resources into socio-economic development, contributing to high poverty rates and subpar welfare indicators. The study recommends establishing a clear Minerals Policy for transparency, adjusting tax rates, strengthening monitoring mechanisms, enhancing audit effectiveness, and promoting technology adoption. Emphasizing the need for continuous review, the assessment urges Mozambique to enact a Beneficial Ownership law to enhance transparency and accountability in the mining sector.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Tax Justice Network Africa
Mr Mtwalo Msoni (Consultant, Economist and Tax Policy Expert on Mining, Oil, and Gas) & Mukupa Nsenduluka (Tax and Natural Resource Governance Lead at TJNA)
Languages: English
Tax and Natural Resource GovernanceExtractives industriesNatural resource conflict managementAfrica Mining VisionContract TransparencyEnergy Transition
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