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- Allan Monyoncho

Health Financing & Taxation for Sustainable Healthcare

Health Financing & Taxation for Sustainable Healthcare

The publication titled "Health Financing & Taxation for Sustainable Healthcare" explores the relationship between health financing, taxation, and the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Africa. The study focuses on five countries (Kenya, Malawi, Burundi, Nigeria, and South Sudan) and assesses their progress towards implementing UHC and meeting the Abuja Declaration on Health Financing. The publication highlights challenges such as inadequate health spending, tax compliance issues, illicit financial flows, and the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems. It provides recommendations for addressing these challenges, including equitable and progressive taxation, improved tax compliance, and efficient allocation of public health spending.

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Mustapha Ndajiwo
Languages: English
Resource Type: