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- Allan Monyoncho

Intersectionality, Marginalization and Gender Tax Inequality in Kenya - A Working Paper

Intersectionality, Marginalization and Gender Tax Inequality in Kenya - A Working Paper

This study is a desk-based review that serves as a preliminary examination of taxation in the
marginalised areas of Kenya. It hopes to begin understanding the manifestation of tax
disparities through gender lenses by identifying the factors enhancing marginalisation of
women and minority groups due to unfair tax regimes or bad governance; and pinpointing the
forces behind resource leakages, and how women and other minority groups or communities
are excluded within mitigating measures. The study ultimately aims to recommend relevant
actions that should be taken by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), faith actors, government
and other stakeholders. It also aims to develop an initial strategy and plan of action to ensure
gender mainstreaming in tax governance is realized.

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Publication Details
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