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- Allan Monyoncho

INVESTMENTS IN CHILDREN - Evidence from Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia (Study Report))

INVESTMENTS IN CHILDREN - Evidence from Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia (Study Report))

"Investments in Children - Evidence from Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia" examines the progress and challenges faced by Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia in fulfilling their commitments to invest in children. The study analyzes the fiscal environment in each country to assess the extent of public spending supporting children's rights. The findings highlight the growth in fiscal space and resources allocated to social sectors, but also raise concerns about the expansion of external debt. The study recommends deepening investments in children, ensuring budget credibility, and strengthening data collection and management capacities. It emphasizes the importance of ring-fencing resources for essential social services and promoting equitable tax systems for sustainable development.

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Tanzania, United Republic of
Languages: English
Resource Type: