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- National Taxpayers Association

Own Source Revenue Case Study and its Impact on Women, Youth and PWD: A Case Study of Nairobi County.

Own Source Revenue Case Study and its Impact on Women, Youth and PWD: A Case Study of Nairobi County.

Special groups in Kenya, including youth, women, and people with disabilities, face significant poverty, inequality, and unemployment. These groups also experience discrimination in political, civic, and developmental participation, deepening the cycle of poverty and exclusion. Studies show that these groups often lack access to government tenders and face financial barriers. Despite global and local efforts to address these inequalities, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Kenyan Constitution's provisions, these groups remain largely excluded from decision-making and economic opportunities. The AGPO program, which reserves 30% of government procurement for these groups, is one such effort. However, a gap between legal frameworks and actual implementation perpetuates their exclusion, limiting their participation in governance and economic development.

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Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
National Taxpayers Association (Kenya) - NTA
National Taxpayers Association (Kenya) - NTA
Languages: English
Tax and EquityGenderYouth
Resource Type:
Views: 1