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- Job Kihima

PAC 2023 Communiqué

PAC 2023 Communiqué

The 11th Pan African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation in Accra, Ghana, stressed the imperative for global tax governance benefiting Africa. Participants, representing civil society, governments, and intergovernmental organizations, affirmed their commitment to combatting illicit financial flows (IFFs) for economic transformation and sustainable development. The communique called for sweeping reforms in global financial, tax, trade, and debt architectures, recognizing historical exclusion. It underscored domestic and international collaboration, emphasizing civic participation in tax negotiations and acknowledging the link between tax justice and climate justice. The conference, hosted by Ghana, concluded on November 24, 2023, with a commitment to implement outlined action points.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Tax Justice Network Africa
Languages: English
Tax and the International Financial ArchitectureTax and Natural Resource GovernanceTax and EquityTax and Investments
Resource Type:
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