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- Job Kihima

Revenue Collection and Economic Justice Kenya National Tax Outlook Survey - 2021

Revenue Collection and Economic Justice Kenya National Tax Outlook Survey - 2021

This publication presents the findings of the Kenya National Tax Outlook Survey - 2021, focusing on revenue collection and economic justice in Kenya. The survey aims to assess Kenyans' knowledge of taxation, including proposed taxes for 2021/2022 and government tax collection targets. It explores factors related to the non-achievement of revenue targets and the remedial actions taken. The survey also examines Kenyans' awareness of COVID-19 tax-relief measures, perceptions of Kenya's external debt, fairness of the current tax system, and attitudes towards taxation, including equitable taxation and personal tax avoidance. Additionally, it analyzes the willingness of individuals to pay taxes, particularly PAYE, and file tax returns.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
East African Tax and Governance Network (EATGN)
Tax Justice Network Africa & Christian Aid
Languages: English
Tax and EquityFair taxation
Resource Type: