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- Job Kihima

Tax Us If You Can: Why Africans Should Stand up for Tax Justice

Tax Us If You Can: Why Africans Should Stand up for Tax Justice

Tax Us If You Can: Why Africa Should Stand Up for Tax Justice" is a comprehensive report that explores the challenges of tax justice in Africa. The report examines the concept of tax justice, the burden of taxation, channels for tax leakage, and the importance of tax revenues for functioning states. It delves into the sources of tax injustice, including selective development, regressive taxation, limited taxation undermining representation, and ineffective tax and customs administrations. The report also highlights key players in African tax injustice, such as accountants, lawyers, bankers, multinational companies, and secrecy jurisdictions. It discusses the influence of various agencies on Africa's tax policy and proposes strategies towards tax justice in Africa, including transparent taxation, citizen engagement, corporate tax compliance, and international cooperation. Overall, the report advocates for tax justice as a crucial step towards achieving self-determination and independence for African states.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)
Languages: English
Contract TransparencyFinancial secrecyTax and Equity
Resource Type: