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- Allan Monyoncho

The Case for Beneficial Ownership Disclosure - A Discussion Paper on the policy frameworks promoting Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa.

The Case for Beneficial Ownership Disclosure - A Discussion Paper on the policy frameworks promoting Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa.

The publication titled "The Case for Beneficial Ownership Disclosure: A Discussion Paper on the policy frameworks promoting Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Africa" explores the importance of beneficial ownership transparency in combating illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promoting domestic resource mobilization (DRM). The paper examines the contextual frameworks and international initiatives related to beneficial ownership, including the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. It provides country-specific information on the state of beneficial ownership disclosure in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Egypt. The paper emphasizes the need for improved governance, transparency, and international cooperation to address IFFs and enhance DRM.

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Riva Jalipa, Eva Danzi
Beneficial ownershipIllicit financial flows
Resource Type: