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- Job Kihima

THE TAXATION CHAIN Understanding the National and International Dimension of Taxation

THE TAXATION CHAIN Understanding the National and International Dimension of Taxation

"The Taxation Chain: Understanding the National and International Dimension of Taxation" is a comprehensive training module designed to enhance the capacity of civil society groups in influencing national tax policies and understanding the role of international players in domestic resource mobilization. The module covers topics such as tax administration, compliance, tax leakages, international corruption, and effective tax justice advocacy. It aims to equip participants with knowledge and policy analysis tools to effectively advocate for fair taxation and broader tax bases in African countries. The training utilizes various methods including lectures, discussions, case studies, and evaluations to facilitate adult learning.

Uploaded by Job Kihima
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Tax Justice Network-Africa
SEATINI-Uganda & Oxfam
Languages: English
Tax AdministrationsTax expenditureTax and Investments
Resource Type: