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- Allan Monyoncho

Use and Abuse of Tax Breaks - How Tax Incentives Become Harmful

Use and Abuse of Tax Breaks - How Tax Incentives Become Harmful

The publication titled "Use and Abuse of Tax Breaks: How Tax Incentives Become Harmful" examines the negative impacts of tax incentives on public financing and development. It highlights the prevalence of tax incentives worldwide, particularly in the Global South, and the associated loss of potential government revenues. The paper explores how tax incentives can lead to poor governance, corruption, and illicit financial flows, thereby undermining human rights and sustainable development goals. The publication emphasizes the need for financial transparency, good governance, and stronger regional and global mechanisms to address the abuse of tax incentive regimes.

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Publication Details
Date Of Publication:
Alvic Padilla
Neeti Biyani, Suraj Jaiswal, Mae Buenaventura, Jared Maranga, Toby Quantrill
IncentivesIllicit financial flows
Resource Type: