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Clemence Tauya Nhliziyo

Clemence is a policy, advocacy, and research expert with experience in education policy research and advocacy, land policy research and agrarian policy research and advocacy. He has sixteen years’ experience in policy research, advocacy, project management and evaluation. In 2014 Clemence coordinated and co-published on a study on Zimbabwe’s Contested Large Scale Land Based Investment: The Chisumbanje Ethanol Project. He was also a Research Assistant for the Land Policy, Governance and Administration Technical Review Papers Commissioned by the World Bank with funding from the Agriculture Sector Technical Group (ASTG) of the Analytical Multi Donor Trust Fund (A-MTDF), PWC/Ruzivo Trust on Strategic Issues, Land Sector Development and Reform Options. From the year 2015-18 he was part of a team of policy experts that developed the Agricultural Policy Practice Index (APPI) Framework for the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The framework is used to assess agricultural policy practice in Africa through a self-assessment process at country level. From 2019-20 he coordinated the public consultations and civil society advocacy towards the enactment of the Education Amendment Act (No. 15; 2019) working with civil society organizations, development partners, Parliament, and the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. He has got experience in Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Country processes through participating in the Education Coordination Group meetings and GPE/TEACH Steering Committee. He was a member of the GPE Country Task Team responsible for the development of the GPE-Zimbabwe 2022-2026 Partnership Compact. He was a member of the GPE Grant Agent (GA) Selection Committee Member for the GPE’s Covid-19 Accelerated Funding to Zimbabwe (2020). He was also a member of the GPE Grant Agent Selection Committee for the GPE-Zimbabwe 2022-2026 Partner Compact; as well as part of a team of experts that assisted UNICEF and CAMFED in the development of the Systems Transformation Grant and Girls Accelerator Grant Programme Documents. Clemence is currently the Education Policy and Advocacy Coordinator for the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe and a Research Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs in Zimbabwe (IPAZ).