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- Allan Monyoncho

Politics of Defining Illicit Financial Flows Interventions

Politics of Defining Illicit Financial Flows Interventions

As a unique space under the Financial Transparency Coalition (FTC), the Southern Regions Programme (SRP) plays a crucial role
of an incubator by placing just tax systems and financial transparency at the heart of development debates. In October 2017, during
a South-South strategy meeting it was recognised to bring out a collaborative document that emerged from the perspective of the
Global South. Five members1 of the SRP came together to author the IFF Toolkit in an effort to address issues of financial secrecy,
enablers of illicit financial flows, lopsided impact on domestic resources and the ability to raise further resources due to loss of
revenue as IFFs and the much-needed reforms in the international financial architecture set in the context of Global South. The toolkit
uses case study-based evidence to simplify the issue of tax abuse. The document also covers tax incentive abuse as a subject under
IFFs. The toolkit has benefitted from discussions held at the Nepal Social Forum (March 8th-10th, 2018), Paper on Illicit Financial
Flows: Rights, Restoring Justice and Freedom and Pan-Continental Southern Dialogue on Illicit Financial Flows2, Nairobi (November
21-22, 2018).

Uploaded by Allan Monyoncho
Toolkit Details
Sakshi Rai (lead), Andres Arauz with contributions from Robert Ssuuna
Illicit financial flowsPolitical Finance
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