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- Job Kihima

UN Tax Convention Webinar

UN Tax Convention Webinar

Join Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) as they remain dedicated to fostering international cooperation on tax matters through a webinar on February 27, 2024, delving into the impact, prospects, and pivotal role of civil society in this transformative journey.

The international tax landscape, influenced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) since the 1950s, has disproportionately favoured affluent nations, resulting in substantial domestic revenue losses in less economically developed regions, particularly the Global South.

Notably, Africa reported a staggering USD 90 billion in annual illicit financial flows, doubling since the release of a report estimating a USD 50 billion loss. The paradigm shifted with the United Nations General Assembly's adoption of Resolution 77/244 in December 2022, emphasizing inclusive cooperation on tax matters.

In a groundbreaking move, a resolution supporting a UN framework convention on international tax cooperation gained overwhelming support in November 2023, indicating a collective push towards a more equitable global tax system. This historic decision, backed by all African countries and the G77 plus China, sets the stage for an ad-hoc intergovernmental committee, initiated in January 2024, to negotiate terms for a UN tax convention, with completion targeted by the 79th General Assembly session in August 2024.

TJNA's commitment to this cause underscores their proactive role in shaping the narrative surrounding international tax cooperation, culminating in the upcoming webinar that promises insights into the impact, future possibilities, and the indispensable role of civil society in this transformative journey.

Register for the webinar at

Webinar DetailsDate and Time:
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Type of Event:
In person
Online Link:
Tax and the International Financial Architecture
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